Wednesday, January 12, 2011


i will force your arm down,
so i can plunge inside you.
i'll be the chemical that stops your heart.

i'll watch your chest rise,
your breathing slow
as your eyes turn sweet
with soiled, virgin innocence

if i could just slip these slivers
under your fingernails
the means, the end, the scene in my head

you knew exactly what to do,
played the player
on her flat fucking field.

and it was just to prove you could,
so i'll be the chemical that stays inside
i'll take my time
to dull the senses you've not already destroyed

you fucked to prove you could,
so i'll ruin you till i've run my course
coursing, carving through vessels

you'd never have known
if my poison weren't screaming
down your hallways
leaving the salty spots behind

a reminder of the pain you won't feel
as i push closer to your heart
digging dirty daggers
into your barely beating machine

screaming with each twist,
till the bolts loose from the rib cage
and i'm heaving

and screaming
and pulling and

your eyes begin to fade,
like these sugar sweet salt spots
fossilizing the first innocent feeling
to wetly cascade

across my terrain
petrifying, preserving
the hate that makes me shake.

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