Friday, October 8, 2010

today is amazing.

I can't wait to be alone.
Driving anywhere, nothing but myself, the seat, the music....
I can't wait to leave everyone
I can't wait for years of breaking down everything I've gotten used to,
grown complacent,
accepting a wasted life.
I can't wait to play, every day,
my words, my songs, my life on display.
It's for myself, and no one else.
I can't wait to be alone.

And, on that note:
I can't wait to find a home.
With records spinning, wine glasses spilling,
autumn leaves and coffee.
My front porch guitar, weathered, scratched and scarred
Teach my son to release
his confusion with strings.
And my wife, beautiful, independent and strong
Faith in foremost herself, both of us separate vessels
that have one another to stay the course.
Everything that I see
when I'm close to someone, and I see a piece
of her, but not the whole thing.
I can't wait to be alone,

but I can't wait to need someone.
Someone who can hurt me -
but won't.
Someone who doesn't need me,
but wants me.
Someone who eradicates doubt
who I know I can live out the rest of this life with
And enjoy what we have,
what is guaranteed,
not worrying about Ghosts or God,
Right or Wrong,
just content. Just knowing we meant
Everything when we said, "I love you."

I can't wait
to hurry up and live.

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