Tuesday, September 28, 2010

the new

We are:
Contracted, redacted,
calm, cool – and collected
Leaning meaning,
collision course for the ceiling
Slamming deep, crawl and creep,
dirty wine that we drink
Time, then fall –
Gravity? I can’t think
You’ll find no place with me,
but floor under your feet.

You are:
Buttons coming undone,
fingers tremble defeat
Turning gray, with the weight
of the lies that we speak
No attempt at retreat,
treating, beating this heat
Poison; bring me a drink
let it flow through my feet
Through the lies that you speak
breathing closer to me
Gleaning meaning, succeeding
but failing to need.

I am:
Devil you, devil me
keep an eye on belief
It’ll break you and shake you
and pull underneath
Pull the ground at your feet,
dig the dirt up so neat
Leave a hole six feet deep
so the wolves cannot eat
What was left of our meat,
after so little sleep
Choke the air from the earth
and find some relief.

Friday, September 24, 2010


i will craft you,
and mold you
and shape you as mud
that, fickle and flowing
and dark to the touch
will cover my fingers,
from knuckle to tip,
as i lift your new form:
let you drip to my lips.

i will own you,
and keep you
and discard your box
that, shallow and hallowed,
and chained tightly shut
will shadow your meaning,
from nostril to knee
as you tremble and stand
and fall into me.


Now that I've succeeded
In losing my mind
And spent my fake paper,
left my savings behind

Now that I've focused
Until I went blind
It must be time to relive my life.

Then I was younger,
my eyes burning blue
And, running in circles,
mostly around you

Then I got restless,
and lost track of time
And ran off to start living my life.

Now that I've wandered,
brooded and stewed
And held on to grudges,
laid lines between truths

Now that I'm older,
blue eyes back to you,
I'm reliving this lie as a truth.

this all decays

This all decays.
Watching strings float off
Of your arms, and your
Eyelids freeze and flake.

This cotton frays.
Buttons loose and fall
Off your chest, and exposed
Your rhythm breaks.

How can I
postpone or pause?
How can I
prevent this fall?

Please watch the
Autumn sweeping in,
it's pouring dust around
Time is speeding up,
the clock is breaking down
These jaws will eat you;
the smallest hole they'll fit through

Keep the bitter cold away,
and spin the world around
Show your skin today,
press your warmth to the ground
The clock is breaking down;
this all decays.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I can't

I can't hear when the pieces are falling
When your armor is flaking
Your skin separating,
the blood that won't clot.
The stage in your skull
Your audience waiting
When the lines aren't coming
as your theater burns.

Wine, darling.

Creep up within me,
bitter and sweet
Like the wine that I drink.

Slide down my throat,
to my stomach so eager
To absorb all your poisons,
your blessings,
your heat.

Float to my nostrils,
aromatic and calm
Like the glass before me.

Leave my feet shaken.
Crawl out under me.
Follow rejection,
this purging to clean
the loveliest death,
a wish I have made

To finish the bottle -
inherit your name.


I've never seen anything as dead as your eyes.
Monster eyes, dripping lids,
red with the thoughts that you keep in your head.

They live in your pupils,
watching me dig -
want to know me,
to hurt me,
break and bend me to fill you.

Close those windows, dear.
Keep those ankles together.
Make your scars connect,
and they match just right.

Keep your windows closed.

the light is too bright.
Keep those knives away,
Your skin is too light.

Into the Dark

Please remove your hand from my hand.
Leave when the alcohol
allows you to stand.
Hold onto your dignity,
clothes, and my thoughts
And flee from the doorstep
Into the dark.

this is

this is death.
this is fucking pointless.
this is powerful.
this is running in place.
this is dirty.
this is preparing your place;
this is death.

this is loss.
this is fucking destruction.
this is decay.
this is running fixation.
this is ethereal.
this is resounding your skull;
this is loss.

this is dark.
this is fucking consumed.
this is weak.
this is watching the race.
running in place.
dirty, decaying death.
resounding in your skull:
this is fucking death.


i have been writing a lot lately, and thought a blog might be cool.
cause it's cool for other people, so why not me too?
feel free to read, or not, or comment, or not.