Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Stream of consciousness

We bought a hotel in the same town
It didn’t make sense to go far, we had to get to Oakland the next morning
I paid for it out of my defense fund,
Savings kept since childhood, gaining interest
Without a second thought
And we kept the leftover food
Actually the whole goddamn meal, untouched
In the shitty hotel fridge
But I claimed one bed to myself, older-brother style
You two shared the other
Brothers on a hotel bed,
Haven’t we heard that somewhere before?
The words reconfigure
The meanings reflect
I turned the TV on low, no one was watching
We may have been talking
Or may have been silent
Basking in the afterglow of a lifelong argument
I remember thinking, how glad I am
That we can run away now
Like we never could then
We can run away and pretend

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