Monday, December 1, 2014


My eyes are covered in sand
I fashioned a mask, hardened with sun
that smells of a sickly sweet hangover coast
and shows me a silhouette, dark in the distance 
My eyes are covered in sand. 

My mouth is silenced with strands
You fashioned a needle, cooled with a kiss
threaded your hair in and out of my lips
and left me with meaning trapped under my tongue
My mouth is silenced with strands. 

I captured a bottle of clear ocean water
and swallowed it deep in my chest
it stayed quiet and calm
when removed from its home
but the walls start to ache
from the crashing of waves
and the swelling of salt
and the moments of memory
and the hours of asphalt 
and drinking the sunset
puts salt in my blood. 

I feel the ocean, 
pushing out of my chest,
reaching for you. 

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