Monday, March 30, 2020

stolen title

I wake up at noon
have ten cups of coffee
and ten shots of whiskey
before five o'clock

it's life at home
it's life in a new old place
it's life in quarantine

Somehow I find myself
barely able to speak
watching random shit online
trying to feel something

and somehow I find myself
stumbling drunk at two o'clock
but it's five o'clock somewhere
and I'll keep telling myself it's fine

it's just life at home
it's life at a familiar pace
it's life in quarantine

Sunday, March 22, 2020


we got back from Sedona
on a Wednesday afternoon
you didn't want to talk
to your roommates
so we parked the car, unloaded
all the unused camping gear
and walked along the sidewalk

the rains had come
the past few days, unexpectedly
flooded all the gutters
and the air was heavy
we walked past the elementary
where you run every morning
and I imagined all the children
and their chaotic energy

the park was one big mirror
just a giant reflection
the basketball hoops reached the ground
and shone back up to the sun
the ground had turned to glass
as we rounded the block
and I lost track of what you were saying
watching ripples come and go

we got back from Sedona
and everything had changed
the world had started spinning
much faster than before
so we sat down on the swingset
and sang songs from our childhood
I tried my best to speak Spanish
and you laughed
and I swung higher
and we jumped off the swings