Thursday, November 28, 2019


the snow falls in bursts,
and I stand at the window,

I feel you before I hear you,
your warmth reaching for my body,
signaling your arrival,
your breath landing gently on my neck

I cradle your chin with my shoulder,
your arms wrap around me,
my chest expands,
and I hold my breath

as you kiss my neck,
hold your lips against the pulse,
feel it quicken,
a down-shift-pedal-stomp response

the snow falls in bursts,
and we stand at the window,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


i'm sitting alone upstairs
steeped in privilege yet resentful

of your mania
of my lack of control
of the inevitable brain damage
caused by my incessant consumption

you give me a warm place to sleep
a home when I have none

and I resent your mania
I resent your depression
I resent everything
I do not experience

everything that represents
a lack of control
everything I've given up

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


today i realized i've been home
as long as i was there
but home has felt like
the blur of a day spent watching television
while there felt like
the blur of a day spent climbing mountains
or biking canals
or looking at Van Gogh
or walking through cathedrals
or taking mushrooms
and watching neon lights across the water
and seeing faces in the trees
and humming songs to each other in the park.

Monday, November 11, 2019


i see the shape of your face
in the shadows of bedrooms
and living rooms
and kitchens
and couches
and patios
and front porches
and back seats
and day dreams
and night mares
and soft morning light
and sunsets
and ghosts

pour another

pour another shot
and forget what we’re missing
forget i’m missing you

fall in line 
with all the wounded soldiers 
stacked along the countertop

pour out the rest
another beer, bubbling
and sliding down the drain

purse my lips
in dry desperation 
reaching for another drop

another memory
of kissing smooth aluminum
another drink to soothe

the wounded soldiers
lined along the countertop
please, pour another shot

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


thanks for the reminders
and the goals
and the memories

isn't it obvious
I'm trying to get better
trying to get sober

converting our history
to a one hour photo
a chemical blur

the timelines
the soft lines
the corners of your eyes

the sweet shape of your face
resting on my shoulder
pulling you closer

but don't worry
I'm trying to be better
really trying to be sober

I'm only drinking vodka in the morning
whiskey in the afternoon
and beer before bedtime