Friday, December 29, 2017


Powder your fuck ups
Powder your cheeks
Porcelain, perfect
Hazy and dream-like

Ready for war,
Wait in the clinic
Arms at your side
Tongue at the ready

Finger release,
An easy mistake
Stumble out drunkenly 
Future delayed 

Outline your eyes,
With a scope 
Or a barrel
The safety released 

Watch for a sign,
Real or conjured
In the spiraling metronome 
Of your mind


I wait,
Watching the door
Hold my beer in one hand,
Coffee spills over the other

I drink,
Watching the door
Hold a gun in one hand,
Fingers crossed in the other

Welcome home,
This carpeted canvas 
of macabre banality,
Flowers and salt

I am a pillar, 
Waiting to turn. 
You are a ship,
Nearly submerged.