Monday, May 22, 2017

Elevator doors

We find each other, wild-eyed.
My jaw works out an off-time rhythm to our conversation, grinding teeth between lines.
You are beautiful. I find glitter on my shoulder and smile. 

I hold you like I love you, and I wonder.
You push against me, starry-eyed.
I take your hand to my mouth, but my nose hits your fingertip before my lips touch your skin.

We kiss as the elevator dances and shudders to my floor.
You are transient and comfortable in strange places with strange people.
I give you something else to think about; you give me someone else to talk to. 

We dismantle stability and sink into this feeling.
Somehow, I know we're trapped in this place. 

I watch you disappear behind elevator doors.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


You mumbled something underneath your breath
While you were sleeping next to me
Something beautiful and fleeting
Something gone in just a blink

And by the time your eyes were open
You'd forgotten everything

We watched daylight come in through the door
And climb above our heads
I could hear the sound of lips
Moving underneath your breath

They asked me if I loved you 
In the language of your chest
And the pulse beneath my skin 
Echoed in the silence

Something beautiful and fleeting
Something gone in just a day
Something more than just a memory forgotten

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Don't you like it when I sing soft
When the moment just hangs
Like a bird in the summer
Flying over asphalt
Buffeted by warm air and a lazy breeze

Don't you love it when it's pretty
When it makes you forget
Like a blow to the head
One you couldn't see coming
The sudden constellations of stars in your eyes

Don't you hate it when I love you
When I make you feel broken
Like the sutures you made
All dissolved into pigment
The brand new color of skin on your cheek

Don't you like it when I sing
When I look at you longingly
When I make you forget
All the progress you've made