Monday, September 19, 2016

going numb

I can feel myself, sinking again into something blurry and familiar, like holding my head beneath water, watching the spots form behind my eyelids, holding my breath, going numb with your taste on my mouth, my tongue touching every syllable you moaned, fingers grazing every piece of hair you pulled, something blurry and familiar, each deliberate step, holding my breath, tired of air, tired of breathing every syllable you moaned, sinking again into something, blurry and familiar, going numb.


Your fingers match the panic in your voice
sending Morse code spinal taps
"please come back"

As I'm leaning out
my second story window
And I'm smiling at the sunset
through the trees

And the only thing
that's keeping me
From meeting concrete
Is your fist clenching
the shirt that's on my back

And the moment hangs between us