Sunday, July 10, 2016

Rushing adoration

I hear the heavy breath,
Of this creeping buzz,
While it clambers over white enamel
Tap the nerve,
Spike my bloodstream,
Fill my chest with embarrassment 
At the strength of experience,
The rushing adoration of this altered state,
Flushing cheeks, 
Twitching finger patterns,
Spelling love and decay. 

Friday, July 8, 2016

Never knows

My love is painful,
My love could grab your throat
My love, it never knows 
When to stop and when to squeeze

My love is thick,
My love could stop your heart
My love will fill your veins
My love will stop your heart

My love is deep,
My love cannot resist
My love would paw at every door
My love would scratch at every brick

My love is bright,
My love illuminates
My love will scorch each rod and cone
My love will boil your irises

My love is tired,
My love exhausts
My love, it never knows
When to stay and when to go


Nothing is easy,
Is it?
Nothing happens,
Life sliding by,
The slippery slope to happiness. 
There's a haze of horrid hopefulness,
Trapped between lips like a secret disease,
Inhaling a quarter-century of disgust and withdrawal. 
Nothing is easy,
Nothing is safe.