Thursday, February 19, 2015

miles above

I found your lips in the dark. The blackness of this cave was so complete that the outline of your body was a hidden thought, but my cheek brushed warm sheets and suddenly connected a kiss that felt as though our lips had been together throughout the night. This is how I found you,

and this is how you remain, every day as though I have watched my finger trace the lines of your face since my mind began recording. I am reminded of the exhilarating terror standing on the edge of a plane, miles above life, and I swear I've never felt solid ground before.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

crippling craving

All of these begin the same, and this will be no different.
There's a repetitive cotton cloud in my nose, pushing deeper, begging for my brain, holding my breath hostage and siphoning sleep out of my blood.
There's a film of plastic sweat covering my skin, stretching over my head while my eyes make frantic motions and fragile eyelashes bend and break against the hazy air.
This sleepy green syrup is plugged straight into my sockets, and I inhale apathy mixed with sluggish sickness while I exhale pure lucidity and a crippling craving for your skin.

Monday, February 2, 2015

shadows dancing

I’m stitching together memories, hung out on power lines with fingers crossed for high heat and desert sun. I lay next to you and make promises in the air with our fingertips. I confess sobriety while you’re drinking beside me and my words force their way past a reckless tongue holding my teeth at gunpoint. Tiny legs of panic crawl across the pillow, tickling my eardrum and whispering their way deep into my brain. This room has become a cave and your skin lights up our shadows dancing on the walls. I watch the long rise and fall of summer with you stretched across my eyelids.