Friday, February 28, 2014


I want to be that damn grey fabric
Directly on your skin
I want to scratch till you are raw
And the red rushes to your edge

I am surprised at how you make my fists clench
Fingernail depressions in my palm
Leave tracks behind

They have split you in two
You are across a chasm from yourself
The echoes of your voice won't reach yourself
Won't reach yourself

I am the casualty
I am the ruin.

Friday, February 21, 2014


This place feels like a conversation
Of words we have never spoken
I hear your breath tumbling past your teeth,
Cartwheels of sweet air
And I want to capture every piece
For the days in between,
The moments in between,
The eternity inside my head
Release a fragment of you into my nostrils
And taste your life on my tongue
The end result of a journey through your bloodstream
I am jealous of your breath
I wish to be that sacred air
which maps your veins

And follows the miles laced through your flesh.


i remember the ashes
as explosions in the street
corrosion in your veins
with your stomach's fall and raise
and i've watched you squeezing filters between your fingernails
digging deep into nicotine haze and whiskey shakes
as you breathe yourself to sleep.

some sort of recovery

it's the way your lips look
as if grasping for a cigarette
it's your crushing eyes
that bury me in symbols
hiding words that won't explain

it's your shedding skin against grey sky
as i watch the light fade
it's your fingertip touch
that rushes me to ruin
fighting back years

each breath pushes cancer into my atmosphere.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Crossword Capillaries

Your eyes burn right into me
Colorless and infinite
behind flickering irises
and crossword capillaries
I just want to feel warmth.

As spark begets flame
I am engulfed in you
Tunneled into, frozen moments
and hours of deafness
I just want to own your words.

Push back the impact
to fragments of sentences
to pinpricks of vessels
and blossoming bruises.

Your breath is scalding
Heavy, blunted
borne from weakening flesh
and pickpocket memories
I just want to taste my compulsion.

strung out recklessness

I forgot the taste of strung out recklessness
It lingers in whiskey fumes and broken bottles
I have fuzzy python visions
and shadows of fingertips
Claiming territory on my lips,
drops of heroin on my tongue.

I forgot the color of impulse exhaustion
Blinding my eyes closed,
inhaling empty bottles and fuzzy lines
To claim as my own

I forgot this curse of restrained silence
like liquid down my throat
I have fuzzy broken visions
of salted streets at night
Stained grey with chalk
while your hand traces veins
I am shaking from your touch.